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La Asunción de la Santísima Virgen al Cielo

15 de Agosto « Hoy María Virgen subió a los cielos: Alegraos porque con Cristo reina para siempre. »

Madre e hijo son reunidos. La Asunción nos recuerda que ellos se pertenecen el uno al otro.

Oramos para que la sociedad vea que no puede amar a las mujeres, mientras no protege sus hijos, y no puede salvar a los niños si no ayuda a sus madres!!!

Vistas: 855


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Comentario de Angela Denise Lipscomb el agosto 16, 2010 a las 4:44pm
The Blessed Mother is assumed into Heaven seated at the right hand of Her Precious Son in intercession for all of us.She wants us to live by the Commandments and teachings of Her Dear Son.To imitate the life of The Blessed Mother is to live by the teachings and commandments of Her Son Jesus.Jesus said Who is my Mother?Who is my brothers and sisters?Who is my family?Those who live by my words and commandments.Jesus said If you love me you will obey my commandments.Obediance is greater than sacrifice.The Blessed Mother is happy when we obey and love Her Precious Son.A true mother is happy when their children are happy and loved by others.To honor the Blessed Mother is to honor Beloved Son.Love the Lord with all heart,mind, and strength.Write the Holy Scriptures upon the tablets of your heart and abide by its words.Then you shall be blessed and live a long life.Jesus and Mary will always remain with you.They will live and dwell on the inside of your heart for out all eternity.Mary has said in the past My Son is coming soon!She wants us to be prepared for Her Son's Return.The Bible says to be ready for nobody knows the day or the hour of Christ's Return.Be prepared lest He find you sleeping.May God's Presence fill you with His Love.God bless each and everyone of you on Rosary for Life sincerely Angela Denise Lipscomb

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